21 August 2008

Week 28

28 weeks already. Boy isn't time going slowly. i think somebody slows the clock down when your pregnant. Off to the Obstetrician on Monday for a check up in Nambour. It seems the world revolves around Nambour. They have the best farmers markets there and all the good Dr's are there too. even the hospital is there.

anyway, we've been laying low for a while. I've had the cold that has been "going around" apparently. Not so nice when you can't take much for it. At least Kirrily was there to keep me amused.

Vegemite!!!! / The hose - again

This is Kirrily's new 'big room'. She is now sleeping in the big bed and loving it. She asks to sleep there at night but at the moment we are still putting her in the cot just so she gets used to the bed, gradually. I built this bookshelf for her new room and she loves looking at her toys and books in there. Wow!!! was her response. maybe next week she might be in the big room for good. She just looks so tiny in the big bed. She doesn't get out at all which is good, she just sits waiting patiently for me to come in and get her after her day time sleep.

No more news to report, hopefuly next week will be more exciting. :-)

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